Concealed Security Systems
By integrating directional traffic information with EAS alarm events, the sensors can discern between inbound and outbound traffic. This helps reduce unintended alarms triggered by shoppers carrying protected merchandise near the exit. The system also includes a “power-on-demand” feature that puts it into low-power standby operation during user-defined periods, such as off store hours or periods of low customer activity passing through the system. Normal function returns once customer activity resumes. While in this mode, the system can save up to 78%* of power requirements.
This network-connected system delivers actionable data gathered from stores’ EAS and traffic devices, as well as enables remote diagnostics and system power management.
Through system configuration, “Tags-too- Close” is an offered feature developed to help store associates better manage merchandising of tagged goods at the storefront. This feature helps decrease nuisance alarms to enhance the shopper experience and reduce unnecessary, costly service calls.
Another system-configured feature is Jammer Detection which triggers a system alarm as soon as an electronic signal from a jammer device is detected. This helps eliminate the threat of would-be thieves using this method.
Based on the 3D Overhead Traffic Counting System and 3004A dual configuration, power requirements savings for other configurations will vary. Actual power savings depend on how many hours/day the AMS9060 is in low-power standby operation.

Synergy 2.4 door and wall concealed system
The Sensormatic Synergy 2.4m Concealed Detection System delivers exceptional, yet discrete, Acousto- Magnetic (AM) EAS protection for environments that require a high vertical detection zone. This system provides protection up to 1.8m (6ft) off the floor and exits up to 2.4m (7ft 10in) wide to maximize customer flow and optimize merchandising floor space.
This system requires limited floor cutting for efficient installation. Receiver antennas mount to the door in a self- adhesive cable channel or inside the wall of the doorway. For high-detection performance, the transmitter cable is installed under the floor. If protected merchandise passes through the detection zone, the system emits an audible alert to notify store associates.
The optional 3D Overhead Traffic Counting Sensor can also be integrated and configured to provide visibility into shopper visits to help drive incremental sales and improve conversion rates.
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(154 Kb - this will open a new window/tab)Specs
Acousto-Magnetic (AM)
Regulatory Compliance:
This product is in conformity with RoHS II Directive 2011/65/EU and REACH Substances of Very High Concern as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and subsequent amendments to both.

Synergy 8.6 floor concealed system
The Sensormatic Synergy 8.6m Concealed Floor System delivers superior, yet discrete, Acousto-Magnetic (AM) EAS protection for wide retail environments. This system provides protection for exits up to 8.6m (28.5ft) and a vertical detection zone of up to 1.2m (4ft), emitting an audible alert to notify store associates if protected merchandise passes through the detection zone.
For existing retail environments, the AMS3030-A/AL is an ideal solution. Installation simply requires floor cuts in concrete where the antenna cabling is placed. Once secured, flooring material is then applied over the antenna. The AMS3031-A/AL version is intended for pre-construction installation. Its setup protects detection antennas against possible interference if metal or rebar is discovered below the subfloor. Both install options deliver AM EAS detection for wide exits or open architecture requirements.
The optional 3D Overhead Traffic Counting Sensor can also be integrated and configured to provide visibility into shopper visits to help drive incremental sales and improve conversion rates.
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(203 Kb - this will open a new window/tab)Specs
Acousto-Magnetic (AM)
Regulatory Compliance:
This product is in conformity with RoHS II Directive 2011/65/EU and REACH Substances of Very High Concern as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and subsequent amendments to both.

Synergy 9.6 floor concealed system
The Sensormatic Synergy 9.6m Concealed Floor System delivers exceptional, yet discrete, Acousto- Magnetic (AM) EAS protection for retail environments with wide exits or open architecture requirements. This system provides merchandise protection for up to 9.6m (31.5ft) of coverage with a detection height of up 1.2m (4ft), this system emits an audible alert to notify store associates if protected merchandise passes through the detection zone.
The installation of this concealed system minimally impacts store operations by eliminating the need for sub-floor excavation. Its thin, flat antenna simplifies the installation process even further by allowing the antenna to mount directly onto the concrete floor, then covering the antenna with flooring material. It is the ideal detection system for locations where pedestal systems or floor excavation is unwanted or prohibited.
The optional 3D Overhead Traffic Counting Sensor can be integrated and configured to provide visibility into shopper visits to help drive incremental sales and improve conversion rates.
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(187 Kb - this will open a new window/tab)Specs
Acousto-Magnetic (AM)
Regulatory Compliance:
This product is in conformity with RoHS II Directive 2011/65/EU and REACH Substances of Very High Concern as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and subsequent amendments to both.